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Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Software Auto Click | klik 2.2

Software Auto Click | klik 2.2, Software Autoclick berguna untuk melakukan klik secara otomatis. Jika Anda mengklik mouse anda disaat bermain game atau bekerja, software ini dapat menghemat waktu Anda. Sehingga autoclick akan membantu Anda menyelesaikan klik.
1. Run AutoClick.
2. Run game or other program.
3. Put the pointer on the place you want to click.
4. Press F3 to start auto click.
5. If you want to stop click,press F3 again.
6.The default hotkey is F3,you can change it.

Smart Click:
1. Press F4 to start record.
2. Put the pointer on ‘Record’ on the floating bar .
3. Press Left Mouse Button,drag the pointer to the
place you want to click and then release button.
4. Repeat 2 and 3 to record more positions.
5. Press F4 to stop record.
6. Select Smart Click and press F3 to start click.

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Related : Software Auto Click | klik 2.2


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