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Monday, 9 April 2012

Dark Abys - Green 1.0 [Skin/Themes] Forum IPB

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The Dark Abys style was originally made for the WebForFree Community (wich is currently under heavy maintenance) but I dicided to release it.
Have fun with my first style!

Installation instructions:

1. Open your Admin Control Panel for IP.Board.

2. Go to the Look & Feel Tab and hover over Look and Feel > Import / Export and click it.

3. You will now be redirected to the import page. Choose to import dark-abys-green.xml

4. In the content box below, upload the image file: images-dark-abys-green.xml

5. Choose to apply the image set to the skin you just imported.

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Related : Dark Abys - Green 1.0 [Skin/Themes] Forum IPB

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